Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bread Pudding

Chocolate Cranberry Bread Pudding.  Toronto, CA
Mmmmmm.....just the thought of it makes me smile! There's something about the creamy, rich, thick consistency that is over the top for me. I can USUALLY pass on dessert, but you can bet that if Bread Pudding is on the list I'm in. Some of my fav's below :)  You might not know it, but I don't cook; however, I have to say, I make a mean bread pudding.  White Chocolate Cranberry made with croissant....yummy!!!!!!

White Chocolate, Chocolate Chunk.  Woodbridge CT

Bourbon Pecan.  NOLA

So far, my #1 fav.  Blueberry Bourbon.  Albuquerque

Bailey's Caramel.  Waterfront Grill, Seattle

White Chocolate.  Copeland's Cheesecake Bistro, NOLA

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The BEST Doughnuts. Maybe EVER- Niagara Falls, Ontario

When I was a little girl, I used to love going to Mr. Doughnut (not to be confused with Dunkin' Doughnuts, which moved into our town when I was about 10 and took over, sadness prevails) They had these cake doughnuts on a stick with crazy colored icing that left your teeth feeling like wax.  Man, they were the bomb.  Until I met Tim Horton's, no other doughnut even came close to the feeling those doughnuts gave me (euphoria might be close).  My first trip to Canada this past year took me to Dryden (don't blink) and my first Tim Horton's experience.  Now every time I get the chance to go, I grab myself one, oh okay, two, of these amazing creations.  The French Cruller melts in your mouth with a sweet, sticky, crispy outside.  REALLY?  How do you do that, Tim?
And the maple...well, it is Canada.  To finish it off, a Diet Pepsi.  The perfect combination! Is it time to book my next ticket????